A inizio ottobre si è tenuta in Danimarca la 18esima conferenza sul Game Based Learning.
Ecco qui una sintesi:
In un contesto in cui la formazione avviene sia nei corsi iniziali che nella formazione continua permanente, l’uso dei giochi offre un modo per promuovere un apprendimento efficace e sostenibile: per sua stessa natura, questo mezzo è un’opera aperta in cui i giocatori possono essere coinvolti e dare un senso al loro apprendimento.
Ikigai - Games for Citizens offre un ecosistema unico per creare videogiochi seri ed esperti e offrirli gratuitamente a persone che vogliono imparare divertendosi, oltre a produrre un set di dati correlati all’apprendimento che possono essere utilizzati per la ricerca e la personalizzazione dei corsi di formazione.
Riunendo università, Grandes Ecoles, laboratori di ricerca, associazioni e istituzioni, Ikigai è un consorzio collaborativo di interesse generale, che implementa la co-costruzione di servizi di videogiochi tra esperti scientifici, professionisti dei videogiochi e ingegneri educativi. Insieme, stanno producendo una piattaforma centralizzata di giochi seri e servizi associati che possono essere utilizzati dagli insegnanti a un costo moderato mettendo in comune le risorse: i mattoni di ogni gioco possono essere riutilizzati in altri giochi sviluppati. Il consorzio si impegna per l’interesse generale e l’istruzione popolare rendendo i giochi disponibili gratuitamente ai membri e al pubblico in generale.
Qui il documento finale della conferenza. è molto ampio (140 contributi in 1200 pagine).
Game Designers’ Experiences with Educational Game Design Elements: From Practice to Conception!
A Conceptual Framework for the Development of Effective Serious Games for Learning
VR Simulation: Advancing Practical Skills in Computer Science Education
A Preliminary Study of Context Integration as A Determinant in The Effectiveness of Digital Mathematics Games
Games in Mathematics Education: Trends and Methodological Approaches in the Context of the Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME) Review
Cultural Game Jam Model: A Quadruple Helix Intervention
The Influence of Social Competition and Maths Anxiety on Game Performance
Game at School? Italian Teachers’ Perceptions of the Introduction of Games in the Classroom
From Designing Houses to Studying Architecture: Did Those Who Study Design Share Any Similarities in Playing the Sims Game?
From Consoles to Classrooms: Preliminary Insights About Pre-Service Teachers and Video Games
HeritageRoots: Developing Interconnected Immersive Experiences for Cultural Preservation and Education
Developing Graduate Attributes Through Competitive Gameplay and Learning Theories
A Systematic Review of Examples and the Effectiveness of Game-Based Learning Used To Teach History in K-12 Education
Cthink.It. A Board-game for Computational Thinking in Early Years
Play Your Way Into Production: Game-based Skills Development for the Screen Industries
Integrating Agile Methodologies and Gamification for Student Engagement and Success
Play with Purpose: A Heuristic Approach to Evaluating Tabletop Serious Games for Academic Integrity Education
CiteSaga: Conceptualisation of a Serious Game for Citation and Reference Styles
The Ludo-Learning Matrix: A Framework for Understanding Learning in Games
Empowering Neurodiverse Voices in Research Ethics through a Playful Card-Based Approach
Mega-games as Catalysts for Deep Experiential Learning in Higher Education
Advanced Gamification and Mega-games to Enhance Lifelong Learning in Higher Education
The Open Data Newsroom: A Game Approach for Developing Open Data Competencies in Elementary School
Escaping Online: Teacher Student Engagement in a Digital Escape Game
The use of Educational Escape Rooms in the Lifelong Training of Mathematics Teachers
Exploring the Affordances of Vernacular Digital Games in Developing 21st-Century Skills
Exploring Current Challenges and Opportunities in Media Literacy Skills for Youth: Stakeholders’ Perspectives
Game-based Learning Assessment: Quantifying Educational Efficacy of the EDURINO App
Analysing Game Data to Evaluate Children’s Learning Progress with the EDURINO App
Real-World Geopolitical Influences on In-Game Financial Behaviour
Rights Quest: A Game for Child Rights Awareness
Board Games and Entrepreneurial Skills Acquisition: A Mixed-Methods Study on the Efficacy of the EntreComp Framework in Higher Education
A Literature Review: Which, How and What for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Gamification
Leveling Up Learning: Game Based Learning Initiatives in Canadian Higher Education
Serious Games for Vocational Training
What is “Learning” in Serious Game Jams? A Systematic Literature Review
Design and Development of an Immersive Virtual Reality Serious Game With Biofeedback for Physiological Regulation: Alice, Beyond Reality
Tiers of Engagement: Achieved Learning From Business Simulations Reflected in Economics Students’ Experiences
Integration and Promotion: Integrating Sustainability Research into Computer Science Teaching through Serious Games Assignments
Fun and Functional: Using Non-Digital Games to Promote Maths Engagement in Pre-service Teachers
Playing to Collaborate: Using Cooperative Board Games to Experience and Reflect on Collaboration in Upper Secondary Education
StaffsVerse: Building a Metaverse Campus Utilising the Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Matters to Patients: Community-Engaged Design for Healthcare-Related Serious Games
Game-based Learning for History: Student Perceptions and Preferences
Primary Education’s Stakeholders Behavioural Intention to use Prospective Game-based Learning for Waste Awareness
Community, Socialisation, and Empowerment in Cultural Game Jams with Youth Citizens
Harnessing the Power of Gaming to Influence Policies Addressing Climate Change
The Impact of Language and Social Communication on the Sense of Belonging among International Students Using ScLINGO Application
Games Design Frameworks: A Novel Approach for Games Design Pedagogy
Comparison of two Different Game Mechanics Applied to Learning of Electromagnetism
Breaking Math Anxiety: A Success Story From an Indian Government School
Repositioning Vulnerable Youth Through Educational Esports Programmes
“Open World” Texts: A Framework for Analyzing Recombinatory Writing Games (RWGs)
Embedding Psychology Themes in University Induction Using a Digital Escape Game
Enhancing Team Cohesion Through a Custom MOBA Game: Development, Implementation & Impact
Digital Educational Escape Rooms as E-courses Using D-EER4SmL: Investigation of Motivational Affordances
Design and Evaluation of the Digital Algebra Game for Children
The Ideological Dilemma in Using Games in Global Citizenship and Development Education
Engagement Strategies in a Peer-quizzing Game: Investigating Student Interactions and Powergaming
New Age Mages: An Interactive Way to Explore and Subvert Gender Biases
Cybersecurity on the Move: Investigating the Efficacy of a Movable Escape Room as an Educational Tool for Healthcare Employees
A Platform of Serious Video Games Co-built for the General Interest
Game-based Training of Cognitive Functions: An Exploratory Study Involving Seniors in Switzerland
Gaming the Industrial Revolution. Participatory design with historical data for classroom learning
Design Insights for Developing Deepfakes Awareness Games for Adolescents
Design Framework for VR Games in the Police Domain
A Child-Centred Design Evaluation of a Learning Game to Improve Children’s Legal Capability
A Pilot Study: Engineering Students Use Generative AI to support the development of playful educational technology
Understanding Stakeholder Perspectives: Towards the Design of a Serious Game for Positive Energy Districts
The Game of Dominoes as Teaching-learning Method of Basic Concepts of Differential Calculus
Bending Rules, Telling Stories: Convivial Game Design Approaches for Engaging With Futures
Explore!: An Educational Game for Developing Programming Skills and Algorithmic Thinking
Game Lab Innovations in Education: Insights from a Board Game Design Project
Beyond the Digital: Analogue Games´ Creative Potential in Deepening Data Literacy
What Educational Escape Rooms can Learn from the World’s Best Rooms
Game-Based Learning as a Tool for Teaching Ethical AI to Youth: Insights from the CHARLIE Project
Game-based Learning for Science Education in Institutional Care Settings in Northwestern Mexico
Game-based Pedagogy in Teacher Training: Results of a Pilot Course
When Games get in the way: Gamification Approach for Teaching Maths – A Case Study With Undergraduate Tourism Students
Abuzaharen’s Challenge: Building Sustainability Competencies through Science-Fiction Narratives and Game-based Learning
Sustainable Sip: Learning Concepts Of Business Sustainability Through A Hybrid Game
Mastering the Game: How Level Structure and Game Elements Shape Competency Acquisition
Escaping the Bondage of Bullying: A Game-based Learning Approach
Idea Generation Game Design Tool for Health Behavior Change Games
Renewing Systems Analysis: The Impact of Game-Based Learning on Repeating Students
Gamified Networked Learning Environments in Higher Education: A Study on Student Engagement and Value Creation in Computer Science
Reaching Student Engagement by Balancing Gamification and Challenges in the Minor Serious Gaming
The Expert, The Novice, and The Skeptic: Game Literacy and Pedagogical Practice
Training for Board Game-based Learning: Evaluation Model and Preliminary Results From a National Program in Italy
Examining the Efficacy of a Physical Board Game for Geometric Transformations
Do Video Games Enhance Competencies & Skills? Study Case: Civil Engineering Students
Talking to Machado de Assis: Generative Artificial Intelligence to Simulate Dialogues with Prominent Figures
Media at a Crossroads: Where Streaming, Games, Culture and Learning Meet
Unified Effort: Developing a Mixed Reality Serious Game for Collaborative Crisis Management Training
Limes (the Roman Frontier): Developing a Video Game for History Learning
Exploring Play as the Nexus of Games and Playfulness
Design of a Serious Game to Teach Esports Concepts and Career Pathways
Designing Games for GDPR: Negotiating Understandings of GDPR in EU Schools.
Rekindling Connections to Languages through Socio-Cultural Immersion Using Game-Based Learning and Virtual Reality: Cipher VR Case Study
Progress Visualisation, Competition, and Collaboration in Digital Game-based Learning as Audience (DGBL-AA)
Monopoly Reimagined: Cultivating Gaming Literacy for Tackling Real-World Complexities
Learning from Designing a Board Game for Policy Thinking in Computer Science
Construction Education through Virtual Reality: A Game-based Approach for Interior Architecture Students
Acceptance and use of Video Games for Education by Secondary School Teachers
Impact of Digital Game-based Learning Experiences on Reasoning Skills and Science Engagement
A Simulation-based Education Platform for Security Investments Through Culture and Knowledge Convergence
Gamification Powered by a Large Language Model to Enhance Flipped Classroom Learning in Undergraduate Computer Science
An Antibullying and Therapeutic Interactive Visual Novel: TheraBuddy
Unleashing Creativity Through Paidia: Free Play in Learning and Work
Impact of LEGO® Based Therapy on Skills Development and Quality of Life in People with Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
Investigating the Role of Adaptivity in Video Games for Attitude Change
Integrating Learning and Serious Game Design: The Development and Application of the Learning and Game Integration (LGI) Framework using the ‘Blackout’ Serious Game
Children’s Expressed Emotions During Playful Learning Games
Game-design Workshops with Co-creation Toolkit to Support Game-based Learning for Heritage Museum
Fostering Inclusivity and Creativity: A Card Game for Color Perception and Inclusion
Exploring the Relationship Between Challenge and Reward for Game Based Learning
Educational Gaming and Situational Interest for Higher Education Students
WeAreEurope SD : A playful Sustainable Development Education Approach for Primary School Level
Gamification for Sustainable Management Education: Prosper Management Edition’s Role in South Africa’s Climate Policy Engagement
Viral Sphere: Fostering Healthy Social Media Practice Through Playful Simulation
A Virtual 3D Chemistry Escape Room for Exam Preparations
The Circular Game: The Impact of Gaming on Sustainable Behaviour
Boardcraft: Learning the Art of Strategic Decision-Making Card by Card
Digitising a Card Game for Teaching Pragmatic Markers
Reflecting on Current State and Future Research of Empathy Assessment and Development within the Game- Based Learning Community
Indie Games for Ethical and Socioemotional Development in Secondary Education
Bridging Theory and Practice in Military Education Through Advanced Technologies
Young Gamers Outside Education, Employment or Training: Translating Computer Gaming Skills to Job Relevant Competencies
Didactic and Psychological Principles of Successful Design of Serious Games
Serious Games in EDI Education: A Preliminary Discursive Literature
From Boring Tests to Engaging Adventures: A Game-Based Learning Approach in LMS
Virtual Simulation Games in Entrepreneurship Education: Status Quo and Prospects
Towards AI-assisted Board Game-based Learning: Assessing LLMs in Game Personalisation
Utilizing a Digital Escape Room to Improve Students’ Grasp and Understanding of Qualitative Research Methods
There’s More than One Way to Skin a Game: Templating Game-Based Learning
A Serious Game for the Digital Transformation of Organizations
Exploring Mars: An Immersive Survival Game for Planetary Education
Design of a Conversational Adventure app to Promote Argumentation in Science
Serious Games for Education and Training in the Humanitarian Sector: State of the Art
Enhancing Digital Game-Based Learning Through Reflective Game Design (RGD)
Mr. Tumbles’ Maya and the Multiplicity of Personas: Leveraging Illusion and Reality in Educational Game Design for SEN Language Learners
Enhancing Algorithmic Thinking Skills through Phygital Games: The Case of Space Codyssey
Traditional Quizzing with a Twist: Involving University Students in the Development Process